Defiant Blade … The Adventure Continues

So here’s something that started several years ago and then stalled. Which is a familiar pattern with all of my projects in the past four or five years …

It started as a thought experiment, one of those ideas that lodges in my head and won’t let go until I start fleshing it out — at which point I continue getting new ideas for it and it just keeps going and going. I was pondering the Predator film series and how a lot of it was just the same thing over and over again. While Prey was a fresh take on the concept and Naru was a truly interesting character — so much that I’d love to see her in other stories whether they’re direct sequels or something else entirely — I still kept coming up with ideas for doing something different with it even after I saw the movie. Like, really different.

What came to mind several years ago was a Predator who hunts other Predators. Why? It started off simply enough: she hated them. Why did she hate them? A handful of them created her in a lab to give her an edge on normal Yautja, but despite coming up with the idea themselves and deciding to go forward with it, they couldn’t shake off the Yautja mentality that she was an abomination simply because she wasn’t natural. So they used training and sparring sessions as an excuse to kick the absolute shit out of her on a daily basis. And it didn’t take long for her to get fed up with it.

Among the improvements they made while engineering her, they gave her a massively boosted intellect. I figured it’d be similar to Star Trek‘s Augments, the most famous of which is Khan Noonien Singh. Except in this case, she’s not a total wacko, though she is kind of obsessed with vengeance in the beginning. Turns out they made her too smart for their own good, and she learned to hold herself back during sparring matches early on — to not even let them see a hint of her full capabilities while she memorized the locations of the armory and hangar and plotted her escape. When she was ready to kick things off, none of them saw it coming and she left a trail of dead bodies in her wake as she made her way to the hangar, stole a ship, and hauled ass out of there.

I already had a rather long post about this back in 2021, including the story I’d written until it finally fizzled out, so I won’t rehash all of it here. (But if you haven’t seen that post, check it out so you’ll be caught up when the scene starts below.) I went back to it about a year or so ago and continued working on it off and on, and finally finished one more scene. It’s a long scene, but still, that was as far as I got before I got derailed again. It’s been just sitting on my hard drive ever since then, so I figured I’d stick it up here. Previously, it kind of fizzled out while I was writing the scene in which Defiant Blade discovered that a friend of hers — and his family — were about to be attacked by a Yautja. I finally managed to tweak a few bits and continue from there, so here’s that scene from the beginning, and this time I managed to actually finish it.

Then I ran into another mental wall and haven’t progressed any farther with it. If I’m lucky, this’ll jog something loose and I’ll be able to continue, assuming I don’t keep getting pulled back to another project I’ve been working on …

So that’s where it left off a year or more ago. I’ve got a number of other ideas for this jumbled around in my head, some of which came from conversations with the same friend I’ve done a ton of brainstorming with lots of other times. Since one of the driving ideas behind Defiant Blade is that the Yautja probably aren’t all on the same page and there might be a few who go off on their own tangents rather than hunting other sapient life forms and trying to impress everyone else for breeding rights or some damn thing.

One other character that came to mind during the last brainstorming session was a Yautja who has a personality that’s very similar to The Dude. His brain was just always wired up very differently from the average Yautja’s, so he wasn’t interested in any of the usual pursuits. When the time for his first hunt came, he landed on Earth some time in the nineteenth century, hid his ship, ripped out anything that could be used to track him down, and just let everyone back home think he’d been killed by the locals.

Then he just settled in, enjoyed the quiet life, and stayed away from the humans … though that became more difficult as time passed. I figured he’d be discovered on occasion and have to befriend the locals to avoid any trouble if he couldn’t get away from them without fighting. Might’ve eventually become a local urban legend.

And because Defiant Blade began recording her hunts and editing the videos and posting them online as a way of passing time between hunts, passing them off as short indie films made with elaborate costumes and hefty special effects, sooner or later Dude!Yautja would see one of them. And when he figured out what was going on, his instant reaction would likely be along the lines of, “Oh, fuck me, if I ever run into her, I’m dead!”

So, of course, it’ll have to happen at some point. Should make for an amusing scene, as well as some character development for DB, since it shouldn’t take her long to figure out why he refuses to fight back and just keeps trying to run away from her.

Something else that popped into my head a long while back is that, sometime later on, after she’s been interfering with other Yautja’s hunts for a while, she discovers evidence — say, the remains of a buried underground city — that the Yautja originated on Earth. Leading to the realization, “No wonder they keep coming back here all the time. They’re from here!”

One other idea I had was that it could be fun as all hell if DB encountered Naru. Wouldn’t make any sense because Prey was set in the the 1700s, and Defiant Blade takes place somewhere around the 2050s. I’d have to bring in some time-travel shenanigans to make it happen, like one of the spacetime rifts that crop up so much in some of my novels. Or … a really weird possibility that came to mind a while back was that Naru falls through a crack in reality similar to how people no-clip into the Backrooms, and has to figure out what’s happening and navigate her way through it until she can find her way back to reality … only to discover that several centuries have passed while she was outside of time and space. Which would, of course, lead to her meeting DB, and then wacky hijinks would ensue.

The reason I think Naru would be a cool character to do this with is because of how intelligent she is. In the movie, you can see her figuring out how the Predator‘s tech works and how to use it against him. So it’d be so much fun to see her get dropped into other out-of-this-world situations that she’d have to figure out on the fly. Because she’s already demonstrated that she can. And it’d be fantastic to see her end up meeting DB, having to be convinced that they’re not enemies, and ultimately working together.

Ah, I’d love to pitch this to Marvel Comics, but it looks like they don’t take submissions and there’s no way they’ll ever see this post, or the earlier one. Guess I should’ve had the idea back when Dark Horse still owned the Predator comics, heh. Well, that probably wouldn’t have worked, either. That’s just not how my life works.

Well, if nothing else, I can always put the story up on … if I ever finish it.

I really gotta stop trying to work on so many different things at once …

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